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(#`′)凸 问路的表达方式:Excuse me. Where is……? 请问/打扰了,……在哪里?Can you tell me the way to……?你能告诉我去……路吗?How can I get to……?我怎样可以到达……?Which is ...问路的常见英语表达开头语:Excuse me, where is the……Excuse me, how to go to the……Excuse me, which is the w...

问路的常见英语表达: 1.Excuse me, where is the post office? 2.Is these a post office near /around hear? 3.Can you tell me the way to the post office ? 4.How can I get to ...用英语问路的十种方式 1. Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to...? 打扰一下,你能告诉我如何去...吗? 2. Hello, do you know where ... is located? 你好,你...

在这个表达后面你可以使用动词“show,”“point,”“help”等等。 Could you please point me in the direction of the main square? 你能给我指一下主广场的方...问路指路 Asking for Directions Useful Words 第1步 熟悉 词汇 crossing 十字路口 sidewalk 人行道 direction 方向 turning 拐弯处 distance 距离 distant 远的 point 指向 miss 迷路 opposite ...

7. 询问距离及交通方式: 1)How far is it from here? 释义:离这儿有多远? 2)Can I take a bus? 释义:我可以坐公共汽车吗? 3)Which bus shall I take? 释义:我应该坐哪一路公交?英语问路的九种表达方法你知道几个?“问路”在交际英语是一个十分常见的话题,问路的表达方法很多,为了帮助大家了解和使用这方面的知识,我们用具体的一个句子来把“问路”的一些...